Galaxymphony II: Galaxymphony Strikes Back 2022

作者 : Hi-Res 发布时间: 2022-01-4 共79人阅读

艺术家名:Danish National Symphony Orchestra

Galaxymphony II: Galaxymphony Strikes Back
Danish National Symphony Orchestra
Released on 4/1/22 by EuroArts Music International
Main artists: Danish National Symphony Orchestra
Genre: Classical
Available in
logo Hi-Res
48.0 kHz – Stereo

歌谱 列表:

1 Let There be Light (Close Encounters of the Third Kind)
2 Apollo 13: Symphonic Suite (Apollo 13)
3 Interstellar Suite (Interstellar)
4 Rachel\’s Song (Blade Runner)
5 Lento (Alien 3)
6 Moonraker (James Bond)
7 Star Trek End Credits (Star Trek VIII: First Contact)
8 Gravity (Gravity)
9 I See You (Avatar Theme)
10 The Martian Score Suite (The Martian)
11 Rey\’s Theme (Star Wars: The Force Awakens)
12 Epiphany (Shrouded Destiny: A Star Wars Long Tale)
13 The Mandalorian
14 Jyn Erso & Hope Suite (Rogue One)
15 The Rebellion Is Reborn (Star Wars: The Last Jedi)
16 Imperial March (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back)
17 Ewok Celebration & End Titles (Star Wars: Return of the Jedi)

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