原神线上音乐会2021 无际之旅的旋律

作者 : Hi-Res 发布时间: 2021-10-4 共79人阅读

艺术家名:米哈游 陈致逸 HOYO-MiX

歌谱 列表:

CD 01
01.原神Genshin Impact Main Theme
02.蒙德(音乐会完整版)Mondstadt(Full Concert Version)
03.快乐的旅程Happy Journey
04.无虑无猜的岁月Innocent Age
05.白皑中的冥想Conttemplation in Snow
06.真红骑士,出发!Let\’s Go,Crimson Knight!
07.浪沫起舞Dance of Aphros
08.诗人的工作Bard\’s Adventure
09.微酥的回忆 Mellow Memories
10.炉边小憩Fireside Rest
11.光辉的涨落Photon of Fluctuation
12.骑士的义举Knighthood Excellence
13.风所爱之城The City Favored by Wind
14.蒙德的黄昏Dusk in Mondstadt
15.星光下的蒙德Mondstadt Starlit
16.蒙德的又一日 Another Day in Mondstadt
17.天使的馈赠 Angel\’s Share
18.风带来的圣歌Windborne Hymn
19.午日的眺望Midday Prospects
20.战斗的秘仪Rite of Battle
21.平原的边际The Edge of the Prairie
22.商港的闲暇Relaxation in Liyue
23.北国的宝库Treasury From the Northland
24.沉睡的往昔Slumbering Lore
25.鲜衣游侠Gallant Challenge

CD 02
01.捕风的异乡人The Outlander Who Caught the Wind
02.女士驾临 L\’arrivo della Signora
03.凶险的密谋A Wicked Plot
04.冲啊!无畏的勇士Charge!Fearless Warriors
05.建霓快雨Nimble as Lightning
06.捷疾之业 Path of Yaksha
07.麟跃幽岩Qilin\’s Prance
08.尘世闲游Rex Incognito
09.风暴,高塔与圣地A Storm,A Spire,and A Sanctum(Dvalin\’s Nest)
10.终天的闭幕曲Caelestinum Finale Termini
11.埃阿斯的回信Letter From Ajax
12.永无谢幕的演出Never-Ending Performance
13.直面纷争的狂喜Rapture of the Chaos
14.斩破风暴的魔鲸Wrath of Monoceros Caeli
15.同漩涡共舞Dance with the Great Vortex
16.亘古的韵律Rhythm from Ancient Times
17.无数的逆境Against All Odds
18.命定的离别Destined Parting

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