原神-皎月云间之梦 Jade Moon Upon a Sea of Clouds

作者 : Hi-Res 发布时间: 2020-05-25 共61人阅读

艺术家名:陈致逸 HOYO-MiX

专辑 介绍:

《原神》璃月篇 OST 《皎月云间之梦 Jade Moon Upon a Sea of Clouds 》正式上线,专辑分为《琉璃明月照海平 Glazed Moon Over the Tides 》、《山巅清心云间月 Shimmering Sea of Clouds and Moonlight 》与《璃月鏖战录 Battles of Liyue 》3张分碟,共收录69首由陈致逸@ HOYO-MiX 为《原神》璃月地区创作的原声音乐。璃月篇精选曲目由伦敦爱乐乐团、上海交响乐团与民乐艺术家演奏,分别于AiRStudios录音棚、上海交响乐团音乐厅完成录制。

歌谱 列表:

Liyue 璃月
Moon in One\’s Cup 杯中明月
Relaxation in Liyue 商港的闲暇
Maiden\’s Longing 环佩凭栏望千帆
Sun Rises in Liyue 璃月的日出
Good Night, Liyue 晚安,璃月
Call It a Day in Liyue 璃月的一日将尽
Clear Sky Over Liyue 璃月的晴空
A Transparent Moon (Liuli Pavilion) 晶莹可掇 (琉璃亭)
Treasury From the Northland 北国的宝库
Cozy Leisure Time (Wangshu Daytime) 品茗尝清心 (望舒昼间)
Sojourner\’s Sweet Dream (Wangshu Night) 美梦抚归人 (望舒夜间)
Winding River 逶迤绿水长
Mild Waves 轻波微荡
Rhythm Amidst the Reeds 钓客漫歌
Flows of Jade-Like Water 源流汇响
Blossoms Across the Valley 幽谷多芳草
Flow of Mildness 多情东逝
Stroll in the Shadows 山阴漫步
Melodious Flute 古道笛声
Gentle Rain 清昼细雨
Vague Whispers 竹林的轻语
Legends Swept Away 不复回的传说
Joy of Returning 归客的轻歌
Loner\’s Departure 离原之草
Foxes at Play 原上狐鸣
Plain of Nostalgia 怀乡的原野
Another Hopeful Tomorrow 希望的明日
This Little Light of Mine 小小的光
Legend of Redemption 宽怀的传说
Hazy Light 暧暧含光
Scattered Amongst the Tides 潮汐浮梦
Rhythms From the Conch 随海风而来
Peaceful Hike (Qingce Daytime) 山风拂萝衣 (轻策昼间)
The Fading Stories (Qingce Night) 不再年轻的村庄 (轻策夜间)
Wandering Flight 倦飞之鸟
Faint Tracks 追寻仙迹
Idle Away From Mountains 无心出岫
Humming Amidst Rocks 峭岩作歌
Above the Sea of Clouds 云海之上
Adeptus\’ Retirement 偷闲浮生
A Casual Visit 亭台闲坐
A Serendipitous Encounter 偶遇归人
Freedom of Crane 白鹤之飞
Rays of Sunlight 天霁日出
Rainbow at Summit 虹霞垂天
Spring in Clouds 清泉入云海
Adeptus\’ Solace 仙家独酌
The Absence of Adepti 洞府徘徊
Emerging Clouds 风静云起
Drink With a Hermit 岩间对饮
Moss Covered Path 山路青苔
Bird Call From Afar 云间孤鸿
Red Leaf on the Chessboard 仙人的棋局
Secluded Sanctuary 幽涧泠泠
Flickering Petals 浮影掠光映百合
Swinging in the Breeze 青云流风饰霓裳
Solitude Mountains 孑立的群岩
Distant Resonance 悠远的鸟鸣
Foregone Giants 悠古的脚步
Linger in the Valley 山间回望
Slumbering Lore 沉睡的往昔
Silent Ruins 黯然的城塞
Lone Drifter 孤独的漫行者
The Realm Within 壶中洞天
Rapid as Wildfires 疾如猛火
Chasing the Torrents 激流逐浪
Gallant Challenge 鲜衣游侠

钻石免费 永久钻石免费


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